Multifamily Leasing Insights: A Marketing Blog

Category: Sales Funnel

Marketing and Advertising Trends in Multifamily Leasing

Marketing and Advertising Trends in Multifamily Leasing

Marketing and advertising play a crucial role in the multifamily leasing and property management industries, as they help attract potential tenants, promote properties, and build brand reputation. In recent years, the industry has witnessed a number of shifts in marketing and advertising trends that are worth exploring in depth.

How Gen-Z Search for Apartments

How Gen-Z Search for Apartments

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, have grown up in a technology-driven world and have different expectations and habits when it comes to searching for and leasing apartments. The following are some of the changes in the way that Generation Z search for and lease apartments.

5 Reasons Contactless Leasing is a Game Changer for Multifamily Owners

5 Reasons Contactless Leasing is a Game Changer for Multifamily Owners

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses across all industries to re-evaluate and adapt their operations in order to keep up with changing circumstances. The multifamily leasing industry is no exception, and as a result, contactless leasing has become a game-changer for many multifamily owners. In this article, we’ll explore five key ways in which contactless leasing is revolutionizing the multifamily industry and what it means for multifamily owners.

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