Multifamily Leasing Insights: A Marketing Blog

Covid 19's Effects on Multifamily Leasing

Covid 19's Effects on Multifamily Leasing

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the way many multifamily properties conduct leasing. Owners have had to adjust processes in response to social distancing as well as adapt to residents spending more time at home and in their communities.

Comparing Live Website Chat Agents with Bots and AI

Comparing Live Website Chat Agents with Bots and AI

Live chat agents can provide personalized assistance to website visitors, answering questions, resolving problems, and providing guidance in real-time. This can help improve the customer experience and increase customer satisfaction.

5 Reasons Contactless Leasing is a Game Changer for Multifamily Owners

5 Reasons Contactless Leasing is a Game Changer for Multifamily Owners

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses across all industries to re-evaluate and adapt their operations in order to keep up with changing circumstances. The multifamily leasing industry is no exception, and as a result, contactless leasing has become a game-changer for many multifamily owners. In this article, we’ll explore five key ways in which contactless leasing is revolutionizing the multifamily industry and what it means for multifamily owners.

Contactless Leasing and How it Helps

Contactless Leasing and How it Helps

Contactless leasing is a process of renting out apartments or units in a multifamily property without the need for in-person interactions between the tenant and the staff, or the use of physical paperwork.

Yardi Chat IQ - A Review

Yardi Chat IQ - A Review

Yardi Chat IQ was announced last month. It is an Artificial Intelligence powered chat system that can communicate with prospects and residents over website live chat and text message. Yardi is one of the largest property management software providers in the world, and this is their first entrance into the world of AI. Yardi Chat IQ is designed to improve customer service on property websites, and serve prospects and residents with common questions.

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